صفحة الكاتب : إيزابيل بنيامين ماما اشوري

أين ولد يسوع المسيح where was Jesus Messiah born
إيزابيل بنيامين ماما اشوري

المقالات لا تُعبر عن وجهة نظر الموقع، وإنما تعبر عن رأي الكاتب.
قال لي أحد القساوسة من بغداد . 
أنا اتعجب عندما اسمع بأن البعض يقول بأن يسوع المسيح ولد في العراق في كربلاء مثلا أو بغداد ، وعندما تطالبه بالدليل ، يقول لك : بأن فلسطين ليست بلد نخيل وان قول الرب في القرآن : ((وهزي إليك بجذع النخلة يعني انها جاءت لتضع حملها في بلد النخيل العراق)). هذا دليل المسلمين فقط من قرآنهم الذي لا اؤمن به . 
كيف يثبت هذا القائل بأن فلسطين تخلو من النخيل ، ذلك محال لأن الإنجيل نفسه يذكر بأن يسوع المسيح ولد في فلسطين وان المكان الذي ولد فيه مليء بالنخيل كما نقرأ ذلك في إنجيل يوحنا 12: 13 (( وفي الغد سمع الجمعُ الكثير الذي جاء إلى العيد أن يسوع آتٍ إلى اورشليم فأخذوا سعوف النخل وخرجوا للقائه )) 
وكذلك في سفر التثنية 34: 3 (( والجنوب والدائرة بقعة أريحا مدينة النخل)) 
وكذلك في سفر القضاة 1: 16 ((وبنو القيني حمي موسى صعدوا من مدينة النخل))
فكيف يقول هؤلاء بأن فلسطين ليست بلد النخل ؟
فقلت له : هل أنت واثق تمام الثقة بأن المكان الذي ولد فيه يسوع كان فيه نخيل ؟ 
فقال : نعم . 
فتأملت في وجهه كثيرا حتى تضايق وقال لي : مالك تنظرين لي هكذا ؟ 
قلت له اتأمل في قولك الواثق منه تمام الثقة وهو ليس صحيح . 
فقال : وهل تتهميني بالكذب ؟ قلت له نعم ليس الكذب عليّ أنا بل الكذب على الكتاب الذي تُسميه مقدس فتخترق قدسيته بأن تنسُب له ما ليس فيه. 
فسكت ثم قال : قدمي دليل على كلامك . 
قلت له أولا يا سيدي النصوص التي ذكرتها صحيحة ولكنها لا تُشير إلى ((بيت لحم )) بل إلى مناطق اخرى دافئة فيها نخيل وهي اريحا وأورشليم . يعني هل يصح ان نقول أن في اربيل ودهوك وسليمانية يوجد نخيل لأن في مدينة البصرة نخيل لأن كلا المدن في العراق . 
فسكت .
والثاني يا سيدي أن بيت لحم منطقة جبيلة صخرية ليس فيها حتى نهر كل ما فيها آبار يشرب منها الناس وإلى يوم الناس هذا وهي منذ القدم ليس فيها نخيل لأنها منطقة باردة جدا شتاء والنخل لا يتحمل ذلك كما أنه عندنا في شمال العراق لا يوجد نخيل بل يوجد اشجار الجوز العملاقة لكونها مقاومة للبرد وهي تنبت أيضا على رؤوس الجبال. ثم ألا ترى أن سليمان النبي اتخذ بيت لحم مصيفا له لأنها ليست حارة صيفا. 
يضاف إلى ذلك ان دنيا العالم المسيحي برمتها تضع يوم ميلاد يسوع شجرة البتولا وهي من الاشجار المعروفة في بيت لحم لأنها تتحمل برودة المنطقة القاسية ولو كانت اشجار المدينة من النخل لرسموا نخلة بدلا من شجرة البتولا. 
ثم قلت له : أتدري لماذا اختاروا مدينة بيت لحم لميلاد يسو ؟؟؟
قال لا أدري . 
قلت له : لأنه يوجد في التوراة نص يزعم أن هناك مولودا سوف يولد فيها وهو مقدس يتسلط على اليهود وأن اليهود هم من دس ذلك لاعتقادهم أن هذا المولود سوف يكون منهم ويرد إليهم مجدهم ونسوا أن بيت لحم بلد جبال وثلوج وآبار ليس فيها انهار ولا نخيل كما جاء في سفر ميخا 5: 2 ((أما أنت يا بيت لحم أفراته فمنك يخرج لي الذي يكون متسلطا على إسرائيل)) ولكن خطأ الإنجيل هو أنه نسى فقال : وكان أنه لما ولد يسوع كان هناك رعاة ينامون في البرية لحراسة غنمهم فبشرتهم الملائكة بميلاد السيد يسوع. فكيف يكون ميلاد يسوع في عز الشتاء القارس المثلج والرعاة ينامون هم واغنامهم في البرية ؟؟
ولذلك نرى أن هذا النص يستقيم مع ما جاء في القرآن لأن كلا النصين يتحدثان عن ميلاد الطفل في الصيف حيث يكون التمر ناضجا ، ويكون بإمكان الرعاة النوم في الصيف لحراسة اغنامهم . وهذا ما ذهب إليه الدكتور جون د . أفيز في كتابه " قاموس الكتاب المقدس " تحت كلمة سنة حيث يقول : أن البلح ينضج في الشهر اليهودي أيلول ، وكما ورد في صفحة ( 117) من كتاب تفسير الكتاب المقدس لـ بيك . وهذا القول يفتح لنا باب التأويل من أن مريم ولدت في مكان آخر غير مدينة بيت لحم ، وإنما في مكان يتوفر فيه النخيل.ولذلك لا يمكننا رد دعوى المسلمين إذا قالوا بأن عيسى ولد في كربلاء او بغداد لأنهما بلاد النخيل . 
ولكن من أين جاء القول بأن عيسى ولد في فصل الشتاء تعال معي يا سيدي القس لترى ذلك بعينك . 
في دائرة المعارف البريطانية ، ودائرة معارف شاميرز ، فقد ورد في الطبعة الخامسة عشرة من المجلد الخامس في الصفحة ( 642 ، 643 ) من دائرة المعارف البريطانية ما يلي : لم يقنع أحد مطلقاً بتعين يوم أو سنة لميلاد المسيح - ولكن صمم آباء الكنيسة في عام 340 بعد الميلاد على تحديد تاريخ للاحتفال بالعيد - اختاروا بحكمة يوم الانقلاب الشمسي في الشتاء ، الذي استقر في أذهان الناس ، وكان أعظم أعيادهم أهمية . و الانقلاب الشمسي في الشتاء يوم ميلاد الشمس ، وفي روما كان يوم 25 ديسمبر يحتفل فيه بعيد وثني قومي - ولم تستطع الكنيسة أن تلغي هذا العيد ، بل باركته ، كعيد قومي لشمس البر . أي حولته من عيد وثني إلى عيد ديني نسبوه ليسوع المسيح ولذلك لا ترى له اصل في الإنجيل.



One of the priests of Baghdad said to me: " I wonder when I heard some Muslims say that Jesus was born in Iraq in Karbala or Baghdad, and when you ask him to prove it, he answers: ((Date-palm trees do not grow in Palestine and God said in Quran, chapter Mariam, 25: "Shake the trunk of the date-palm tree, and it will drop ripe dates for you.", this means that Mariam had traveled to Iraq, the country of date-palm trees, to give birth)). This is the only proof which Muslims have got from their Quran which I do not believe in. How can these Muslims proof that Palestine has no date-palm trees? While the Gospel itself mentions that Jesus Messiah was born in Palestine and the place in which he was born was full of Palm trees as in John Book, 12: 12-13: "On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord." More over, the Deuteronomy Book, 34:3 says that: "And the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar." And the Judges Book, 1:16 says: " And the children of the Kenite, Moses' father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees". So, how can these Muslims say that Palestine is not a palm tree country?"
- "Are you completely confident that there were date-Palm trees in the birth-place of Jesus?" I asked.
- "Yes." he said.
I gazed at his face for a long time.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked annoyingly.
- "I am pondering over your story about Jesus' place of birth, which I find hard to believe." I said to him.
- "Are you accusing me of being a liar?" he said.
- "Yes, not lying to me, but you pretend that these lies are found in the Holy Bible which you consider holy." I answered.
He kept silent for a while and then he said:"Show your own evidence!" I said to him: "O sir, firstly, the texts which you mentioned are correct but they are not referring to (Bethlehem) but to other warm places which have date-palm trees such as Jericho and Jerusalem. It is just like saying that there are date-palm trees in Erbil, Duhok and sulaimaniya only because there are date-palm trees in Basra and all these cities lie in Iraq". He kept silent. "O Sir, secondly, (Bethlehem) is a rocky hilly area which has no rivers and people there, until this day, use wells to get drinking water. Anciently speaking, it has no date-palm trees because it has a very cold winter and date-palm trees cannot bear such weather. Similarly, in the north of Iraq date-palm trees do not grow, but instead there are gigantic cold weather resisting walnut trees which grow up on the top of mountains. Did not you read in the Holy Bible that prophet Solomon took Bethlehem as a summer resort because it is not hot in summer? Moreover, all Christian communities use birch tree during the Christmas day, which is a very popular tree growing in Bethlehem, because it bears the severe cold winter of that area. And if there had been date-palm trees growing there, Christians would have used the date-palm tree as a symbol for Christmas instead of the birch tree". "Do you know why Jews chose Bethlehem as a birth place for Jesus?" I added. "No, I do not know" he said. "Because there is an alleged text in Torah that a new born baby will be born in this city and this baby will dominate over Jews. For this reason, Jews did artfully insert this text in Torah because they thought that this new born baby will be one of them and will regain their glory, but unluckily forgot that Bethlehem is a city of mountains, snow and wells which has no rivers nor date-palm trees in it as mentioned in the Book of Micah, 5:2: "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting". But the one who wrote the Gospel forgetfully made a mistake when he said: (when Jesus was born, there were shepherds sleeping in the wilderness to guard their sheep where the angels brought them the glad tidings associated with Jesus' birth). So, how it comes that Jesus' birth was in amidst a snowy severe cold winter while the shepherds were sleeping to guard their sheep in the wilderness? For this reason, we can notice that this text agrees with what was mentioned in the Quran because both texts are speaking about a baby's birth in the summer when the dates are ripe and the shepherds are capable of sleeping in the wilderness to guard their sheep. Dr. John D. Avis in his book "The Holy Bible Dictionary", has the same opinion as he explains the word 'year' saying that: “the dates ripen in the Jewish month of September” as it was mentioned in Big's book interpretation of the Holy Bible on page 117. This book leads us to say that Mary could have given birth in another place which is full of date- palm trees rather than Bethlehem.
For this reason we cannot refute Muslims claims when they say that Jesus was born in Karbala or Baghdad, simply, because these two cities have a lot of date-palm trees. Let us see how the story that Jesus was born in winter was created? According to both Encyclopedia Britannica and Shamir's Encyclopedia no one is convinced in determining an exact day or year for Jesus' birth, but some fathers in the year 340 A.D. have fixed a date for the celebration, so they wisely chose the day of winter solstice which then was deep-rooted in people's minds and became their greatest festivals (Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th Edition, Vol. 5, P. 642-643).
It is worth saying that the winter solstice is a day of rebirth the Sun. In Rome, the 25th of December was celebrated as a national pagan day which the church have not been able to put an end to it, but rather blessed it as a national celebration. This means that the church turned this pagan celebration to a religious one by relating it to Jesus Messiah and for this reason we cannot find its origin in Gospel

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إيزابيل بنيامين ماما اشوري
 (للدخول لصفحة الكاتب إضغط هنا)

    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   إضافة تعليق   ||   التاريخ : 2013/04/05

كتابة تعليق لموضوع : أين ولد يسوع المسيح where was Jesus Messiah born
الإسم * :
بريدك الالكتروني :
نص التعليق * :

أحدث التعليقات إضافة (عدد : 3)

• (1) - كتب : إيزابيل بنيامين ماما آشوري ، في 2015/01/08 .

هذه ترجمة الموضوع باللغة الانكليزية اتمنى من الاخوة في الموقع وضعه مباشرة تحت النص العربي مع الشكر .

Where was Jesus Messiah born?
One of the priests of Baghdad said to me: " I wonder when I heard some Muslims say that Jesus was born in Iraq in Karbala or Baghdad, and when you ask him to prove it, he answers: ((Date-palm trees do not grow in Palestine and God said in Quran, chapter Mariam, 25: "Shake the trunk of the date-palm tree, and it will drop ripe dates for you.", this means that Mariam had traveled to Iraq, the country of date-palm trees, to give birth)). This is the only proof which Muslims have got from their Quran which I do not believe in. How can these Muslims proof that Palestine has no date-palm trees? While the Gospel itself mentions that Jesus Messiah was born in Palestine and the place in which he was born was full of Palm trees as in John Book, 12: 12-13: "On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord." More over, the Deuteronomy Book, 34:3 says that: "And the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar." And the Judges Book, 1:16 says: " And the children of the Kenite, Moses' father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees". So, how can these Muslims say that Palestine is not a palm tree country?"
- "Are you completely confident that there were date-Palm trees in the birth-place of Jesus?" I asked.
- "Yes." he said.
I gazed at his face for a long time.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked annoyingly.
- "I am pondering over your story about Jesus' place of birth, which I find hard to believe." I said to him.
- "Are you accusing me of being a liar?" he said.
- "Yes, not lying to me, but you pretend that these lies are found in the Holy Bible which you consider holy." I answered.
He kept silent for a while and then he said:"Show your own evidence!" I said to him: "O sir, firstly, the texts which you mentioned are correct but they are not referring to (Bethlehem) but to other warm places which have date-palm trees such as Jericho and Jerusalem. It is just like saying that there are date-palm trees in Erbil, Duhok and sulaimaniya only because there are date-palm trees in Basra and all these cities lie in Iraq". He kept silent. "O Sir, secondly, (Bethlehem) is a rocky hilly area which has no rivers and people there, until this day, use wells to get drinking water. Anciently speaking, it has no date-palm trees because it has a very cold winter and date-palm trees cannot bear such weather. Similarly, in the north of Iraq date-palm trees do not grow, but instead there are gigantic cold weather resisting walnut trees which grow up on the top of mountains. Did not you read in the Holy Bible that prophet Solomon took Bethlehem as a summer resort because it is not hot in summer? Moreover, all Christian communities use birch tree during the Christmas day, which is a very popular tree growing in Bethlehem, because it bears the severe cold winter of that area. And if there had been date-palm trees growing there, Christians would have used the date-palm tree as a symbol for Christmas instead of the birch tree". "Do you know why Jews chose Bethlehem as a birth place for Jesus?" I added. "No, I do not know" he said. "Because there is an alleged text in Torah that a new born baby will be born in this city and this baby will dominate over Jews. For this reason, Jews did artfully insert this text in Torah because they thought that this new born baby will be one of them and will regain their glory, but unluckily forgot that Bethlehem is a city of mountains, snow and wells which has no rivers nor date-palm trees in it as mentioned in the Book of Micah, 5:2: "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting". But the one who wrote the Gospel forgetfully made a mistake when he said: (when Jesus was born, there were shepherds sleeping in the wilderness to guard their sheep where the angels brought them the glad tidings associated with Jesus' birth). So, how it comes that Jesus' birth was in amidst a snowy severe cold winter while the shepherds were sleeping to guard their sheep in the wilderness? For this reason, we can notice that this text agrees with what was mentioned in the Quran because both texts are speaking about a baby's birth in the summer when the dates are ripe and the shepherds are capable of sleeping in the wilderness to guard their sheep. Dr. John D. Avis in his book "The Holy Bible Dictionary", has the same opinion as he explains the word 'year' saying that: “the dates ripen in the Jewish month of September” as it was mentioned in Big's book interpretation of the Holy Bible on page 117. This book leads us to say that Mary could have given birth in another place which is full of date- palm trees rather than Bethlehem.
For this reason we cannot refute Muslims claims when they say that Jesus was born in Karbala or Baghdad, simply, because these two cities have a lot of date-palm trees. Let us see how the story that Jesus was born in winter was created? According to both Encyclopedia Britannica and Shamir's Encyclopedia no one is convinced in determining an exact day or year for Jesus' birth, but some fathers in the year 340 A.D. have fixed a date for the celebration, so they wisely chose the day of winter solstice which then was deep-rooted in people's minds and became their greatest festivals (Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th Edition, Vol. 5, P. 642-643).
It is worth saying that the winter solstice is a day of rebirth the Sun. In Rome, the 25th of December was celebrated as a national pagan day which the church have not been able to put an end to it, but rather blessed it as a national celebration. This means that the church turned this pagan celebration to a religious one by relating it to Jesus Messiah and for this reason we cannot find its origin in Gospel.

• (2) - كتب : إيزابيل بنيامين ماما آشوري ، في 2013/04/06 .

أخي الطيب r-e-t . لم تجد غير هذا الرد العلمي على الموضوع .
عندما ترمي حجر في بحيرة ماء راكدة . فإن الدوائر سوف تتباعد وتنتشر وتتوسع من دون اي واسطة هذه عملية طبيعية لرد فعل عكسي لسقوط الحجر . وهكذا حال المواضيع فكل موضوع يعجب احد القراء يُبادر إلى نشره وهكذا تتمدد المواضيع لتشمل مساحة كبيرة من الانتر نت .
ولماذا انت منزعج من الموقع لكوني انشر فيه .

• (3) - كتب : r-e-t ، في 2013/04/05 .

لماذا ينشر موقع مثل هذا للكاتبة ايزابيل
هل هناك اجور تدفع من تحت عباءات دينية لكم
انشروا الرد ان استطعتم

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اعلان هام من قبل موقع كتابات في الميزان

البحث :

الكتّاب :

الملفات :

مقالات مهمة :

 إنسانية الإمام السيستاني

 بعد إحراجهم بكشف عصيانها وخيانتهم للشعب: المرجعية الدينية العليا تـُحرج الحكومة بمخالفة كلام المعصومين.. والعاصفة تقترب!!!

 كلام موجه الى العقلاء من ابناء شعبي ( 1 )

 حقيقة الادعياء .. متمرجعون وسفراء

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 خطر البترية على بعض اتباع المرجعية قراءة في تاثيرات الادعياء على اتباع العلماء

 إلى دعاة المرجعية العربية العراقية ..مع كل الاحترام

 مهزلة بيان الصرخي حول سوريا

 قراءة في خطبة الجمعة ( 4 / رمضان/ 1437هـ الموافق 10/6/2016 )

 المؤسسة الدينية بين الواقع والافتراء : سلسلة مقالات للشيخ محمد مهدي الاصفي ردا على حسن الكشميري وكتابيه (جولة في دهاليز مظلمة) و(محنة الهروب من الواقع)

 الى الحميداوي ( لانتوقع منكم غير الفتنة )

 السيستاني .. رسالة مهدوية عاجلة

 من عطاء المرجعية العليا

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 فتوى السيد السيستاني بالجهاد الكفائي وصداها في الصحافة العالمية

 ما هو رأي أستاذ فقهاء النجف وقم المشرّفتَين السيد الخوئي بمن غصب الخلافة ؟

 مواقف شديدة الحساسية/٢ "بانوراما" الحشد..

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