Hypnosis in Iraq\'s political social
سعد عبد محمد
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Looking mind developments in the academic arena its contents from the extrapolations of the theories and realities of contemporary academic and looking lost in the conclusions of mental things, or it may be the most important priorities of my understanding is with respect to the social aspect and what the psychological aspect
Because psychology is closely related to wire the mind and the novelty theory appropriate to the community while sociology studies, and looking the most important things a person can live with them from the door and another door put solutions to the obstacles that will delay the process of peaceful coexistence or in other words the process of social evolution.
A fortiori, I found myself Gaúsa may be the subject of the most important topics in a social psychology on the scene were common on the same reality, which has become significantly alter the behavior of the individual and society but an issue of social hypnosis.
There have been several times that I travel in the beloved Iraq, and I see some things that are related closely son of that person below the city or the village until later became
To color, logo fixed starting from the uniforms of the village or dialect words and even the customs and traditions of the sitting, and feeding and even hospitality Each city in its own way, and this naturally increased in intrigued me. Because the person is the same, Sometimes we find his brother, three, but each and every one of them live in a particular city Vtgdam involved in something: the thing or the anniversary of which they have lived out together but when separated it is each and every one of them customs and traditions of any similar area where they lived. This can be seen larger and high accuracy on the political side, where you find in a state of hibernation when it is governed by the occupier English is now co-existence and began to speak his language and Haz as the succession of rulers was even said that people of any religion of their kings to become personal with full readiness to change her religion is the substance of this argument. And maybe is my mind such as the last is the son of the village when trying to complete his studies in Baghdad, is forced to co-exist and even adapt to any sleeping socially with them so as not to be the son of the village a
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