صفحة الكاتب : منظمة شيعة رايتس

What the World Must Know about Shia Muslims
منظمة شيعة رايتس


Shia Rights Watch, Washington DC. Recently 25 well-known Wahbbi figures issued a statement and call upon people to attack and create unrest in Shia led countries. The statement came after regime's offensive in Qusayr not long ago. Shortly after the statement was issued, series of bomb blasts attacked Shia Muslim communities in Iraq and Syria killing hundreds of civilians. 

It is inhumane and naïve to punish innocent civilians for political reasons SRW believes. Oppositions in Syria are mostly foreigners paid by Wahhabi governments such as Saudi Arabia. They claim fighting for democracy and freedom and are in opposition with pro-Assad groups, YET they kill Shia Muslim civilians to show their anger!!!!

SRW suggests to all sides to exclude civilians from political interests; after all, all groups are fighting with political motivations not humanitarian interests. 

SRW does not take any political side, but wherever Shia rights are violated we get involved. 

There are some critical points that all groups must know:

One) Well-educated wise people would not associate Shia Muslims to any governments. Shia Muslims DO NOT belong to any political or geographical region. There are hundreds of thousands Shia Muslim around the world and they have different nationalities, ethnicities, colors and languages and they are loyal to their countries. 

Two) Human rights laws are INALIENABLE and no cleric, group or religion can exclude others form this law.

Three) Smart leaders guide by offering solutions not by promoting hatred and violence, as Anti-Shia leaders do. 

Four) All who degrade humans’ lives and values should be punished and now that hatred and violations are happening in public is the best time to start. 

In the world where human rights violators feel safe to publicize their hate messages innocents are victims and violators are considered heroes,

or maybe they are heroes!!!!! After all they are fearless !!!!!

It’s up to you, the wise reader, to conclude...

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منظمة شيعة رايتس
 (للدخول لصفحة الكاتب إضغط هنا)

    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   إضافة تعليق   ||   التاريخ : 2013/06/04

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