In The Name of God
Dear parents /Guardians,
Peace and blessing be upon you (as-Salamu Alaykum)
Insha'Allah this email finds you in the best of health and ever increasing faith.
Upon the request of many parents and in conjunction with IMAMs believe that Quranic education is essential for our kids spiritual growth, we are happy and exited to announce the Quran program.
The al-Murtadha Quran Program
For Boys Only
After completion of the program, students will have learned the proper recitation of the Holy Quran.
After completion of the program, students will have learned the rules of Tajwid (Shaykh Rizwan Arastu's Tajwid book)
After completion of the program, students will have learned very basic theological principles derived from the Holy Quran.
Program Details:
Duration: Friday, September 28, 2012 To Friday, May 31, 2013
Time: Every Friday, From 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Age: 9 -14 years old
Capacity: Limited to the first 25 students
Fee: $99 Donation.
Cost: $10 "Tajwid Book" + $50 MP3 (Mandatory).
Please note that students must be able to read basic Arabic (this program is not intended to teach students the Arabic language)
For registration and other inquiries, please contact us at: (313) 562- 4626 Or visit IMAM office at: 835 Mason St. West Dearborn.

Sincerely yours,
Education & Research Department
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