صفحة الكاتب : شعبة الاعلام الدولي

Modern Views on the Woman's Working at Home
شعبة الاعلام الدولي

With the momentum of the countercurrents about the woman's working outside home and seeking full independence on a par with men which reached its peak during the last century in European nations and the Arab world, there have been a lot of women who have many social responsibilities in the home, especially with their husbands and children. Such women seek to create a harmonious and fitting environment. Many women in the Muslim world have been able to draw a beautiful future for themselves and their families from their homes.

The House is the School of Values and Morality

Zainab Hassan, 50, with four children, said that the survival of the woman at home and the exercise of domestic work never marginalized her rights. On the contrary, it has proven to be the source of the society's movement forward towards making development and reaching prosperity. when she follows up her children's affairs and take care of them with monitoring the significant time allocated for giving them correct education, she has contributed to producing successful members of the society. This is because there is a woman behind any great man; moreover, her management of the home affairs and making a harmony for the internal environment has proven to be amongst the responsibilities in which woman are more qualified than men.

Women Share Part of Men's Roles

Salem Muhammad, 35, with three children, said that "The woman's place is her husband's house. She is the dynamic core of the work at home, with her humanitarian function of taking care of the children."

Woman at Home is a Green Oasis of Knowledge

Fatima al-Obeidi, a social researcher, in an interview with Hussein Revivalism said that women must not spend their time exclusively on their home affairs; they can develop their capabilities through studying for higher education degrees. They who cannot go to the universities can compensate it by studying various books in lieu of getting higher education degrees.

She also added that a lot of men in Muslim communities prefer to keep their wives at home while providing everything they need. They believe that their efforts and jobs make their share and the women organize the household.

The Woman in the Western Communities

In many Muslim communities, woman seldom appear outdoors. However, this is enough for the compassionate mother and an obedient wife. Blajenta Daneel, a Russian recently-converted Muslim, said that the way of Islam is clear and any woman can follow the rules of Islam which give her security and protect all her rights. Other religions do not give her the rights she deserves. While Islam insists on her freedom to work, she must take pride in the sublime example of Fatima Zahra, indeed a magnificent example for her life and her model of establishing its program in the home

click her.

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شعبة الاعلام الدولي
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    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   إضافة تعليق   ||   التاريخ : 2012/04/29

كتابة تعليق لموضوع : Modern Views on the Woman's Working at Home
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