The Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya would like to send its condolences on the martyrdom of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba
مؤسسة الامام المهدي ( عج ) للمرجعية
المقالات لا تُعبر عن وجهة نظر الموقع، وإنما تعبر عن رأي الكاتب.
مؤسسة الامام المهدي ( عج ) للمرجعية

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Salam Alikum Dear Believers,
Imam Hasan Mujtaba-upon whom be peace-was the second Imam. He and his brother Imam Husayn were the two sons of Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali and Hadrat Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet. Many times the Prophet had said, "Hasan and Husayn are my children." Because of these same words, 'All would say to his other children, "You are my children and Hasan and Husayn are the children of the Prophet."
Imam Hasan was born in the year 3 AH in Medina and shared in the life of the Prophet for somewhat over seven years, growing up during that time under his loving care. After the death of the Prophet which was no more than three, or according to some, six months earlier than the death of Hadrat Fatimah, Hasan was placed directly under the care of his noble father. After the death of his father, through Divine Command and according to the will of his father, Imam Hasan became Imam; he also occupied the outward function of caliph for about six months, during which time he administered the affairs of the Muslims. During that time, Mu'awiyah, who was a bitter enemy of 'Ali and his family and had fought for years with the ambition of capturing the caliphate, first on the pretext of avenging the death of the third caliph and finally with an open claim to the caliphate, marched his army into Iraq, the seat of Imam Hasan's caliphate. War ensued during which Mu'awiyah gradually subverted the generals and commanders of Imam Hasan's army with large sums of money and deceiving promises until the army rebelled against Imam Hasan. Finally, the Imam was forced to make peace and to yield the caliphate to Mu'awiyah, provided it would again return to Imam Hasan after Mu' awiyah's death and the Imam's household and partisans would be protected in every way.
In this way, Mu'awiyah captured the Islamic caliphate and entered Iraq. In a public speech, he officially made null and void all the peace conditions and in every way possible placed the severest pressure upon the members of the Household of the Prophet and the Shi'ah. During all the ten years of his Imamate, Imam Hasan lived in conditions of extreme hardship and under persecution, with no security even in his own house. In the year 50 AH, he was poisoned and martyred by one of his own household who, as has been accounted by historians, had been motivated by Mu'awiyah.
In human perfection, Imam Hasan was reminiscent of his father and a perfect example of his noble grandfather. In fact, as long as the Prophet was alive, he and his brother were always in the company of the Prophet who even sometimes would carry them on his shoulders. Both Sunni and Shi' ite sources have transmitted this saying of the Holy Prophet concerning Hasan and Husayn: "These two children of mine are Imams whether they stand up or sit down." (allusion to whether they occupy the external function of caliphate or not). Also there are many traditions of the Holy Prophet and 'Ali concerning the fact that Imam Hasan would gain the function of Imamate after his noble father.
Source: Shi'ah by Allamah Tabatabai
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