صفحة الكاتب : وزارة الصناعة والمعادن

Under auspices of H.E. Minister of Industry and Minerals Iraqi Cement State Company opens Hamam Al-Aleel, Al-Hadbaa cement plants
وزارة الصناعة والمعادن

Iraqi Cement State Company, which is one of the companies belongs to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals has opened On Monday Hamam Al-Aleel and Al-Hadbaa cement plants within a short time and by self efforts under auspices and guidance by Minister of Industry and Minerals Eng. Mohammed Shyaa AL-Sudani.
Director of Media and Public Relations Centre Mr. Abdul-Wahid Alwan Al-Shamary said that the Director-General of the company Eng. Hussein Mohson Obeid Al-Khafagy has opened the new Hamam Al-Aleel and Al-Hadbaa cement plants in Mosul to announce the beginning of work and production in the province after liberation from criminal ISIS militants. He also noted that the opening of these landmarks is a result of guidance and unlimited support by H.E. Minister of Industry and Minerals Eng. Mohammed Shyaa Al-Sudani, and the well-studied plans by the company to rehabilitate the Iraqi Cement State Company’s plants in the liberated provinces by self efforts of its employees. Overcoming all obstacles within (100) day, despite the extensive damage to these plants by more than (60) percent.
Al-Shamary continued by saying that the company has (18) factory spread over the country, and (6) of them are in Mosul. The rehabilitation is underway to the other (4) plant and all of them will return to work according to well-studied economic plans. He also said that the company is going to open the other plants in the next two months in Badosh Complex. Al-Shamary also revealed that the opening of these plants will make financial returns and to meet the local market need, and especially to rebuild the city of Mosul with a high quality cement in the most favourable prices.
Al-Shamary stressed the company’s efforts to follow the guidance of Minister Al-Sudani and the Iraqi Government Directions to develop the National Industry and make it another national source of income, after facing great challenges after 2003. He also mentioned that the Cement industry in Iraq is keen to achieve self-sufficiency despite the demand for cement in Iraq.


ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏شخص واحد‏، و‏‏‏سماء‏ و‏نشاطات في أماكن مفتوحة‏‏‏‏

ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏‏شخص أو أكثر‏ و‏نشاطات في أماكن مفتوحة‏‏‏


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وزارة الصناعة والمعادن
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    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   إضافة تعليق   ||   التاريخ : 2017/11/29

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    • الشركـة العامـة لصناعـات النسيـج والجلـود تُجهـز الجامعـة الأمريكيـة بمُنتجاتهـا مـن السجـاد اليـدوي وتتفـق علـى تجهيـز المصـرف العقـاري بالعلـم العراقـي بقياسـات مُختلفـة  (نشاطات )

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    • المُديريـة العامـة للتنميـة الصناعيـة تُتابـع سيـر العمـل والإنتـاج فـي شركـة الهـلال لصناعـة الإسفنـج والمفروشـات   (نشاطات )

    • شركـة أدويـة سامـراء تُحقـق تقدُمـاً فـي تنفيـذ مشاريعهـا الجديـدة لإنشـاء بنايـة الكريمـات والمراهـم وبنايـة البنسلينـات وتأهيـل وتشغيـل خـط الفيـالات  (نشاطات )

كتابة تعليق لموضوع : Under auspices of H.E. Minister of Industry and Minerals Iraqi Cement State Company opens Hamam Al-Aleel, Al-Hadbaa cement plants
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