صفحة الكاتب : وزارة الصناعة والمعادن

Ministry of Industry and Minerals announces procedures, results of reform plans
وزارة الصناعة والمعادن

Ministry of Industry and Minerals announced a series of procedures and orders taken to put work on the right track and to improve performance in its departments and companies, and the latest results of implementing administrative and technical reforms to combat the widespread corruption in its departments and companies, especially after suspicion of corruptions in the investment plan’s contracts and joint ventures, which the ministry has signed during the past years.
Mr. Abd Al-Wahid Alwan Al-Shamary Director of Media and Public Relations Centre said that the ministry adopted comprehensive, technical and administrative plans after Minister Mohammed Shyaa Al-Sudani took office before two years. The plans included transfer, turnover and termination of assignment for a number of Director-Generals according to scientific and economic indicators. He also noted that fighting financial and administrative corruption is a priority in implementing these plans because corruption is one of the main causes of negative impacts on the work, especially the joint ventures, the investments signed with local and international companies and investors during the past years. There were (131) contract, and about (3) trillion and (444) billion IQD as the investment funds for the ministry .
Al-Shamary also pointed out that the Minister Al-Sudani has made an official request to the Commission of Integrity to form a specialized committee to address the situation as soon as possible to support the national products and to stop the misuse of public money.
Al-Shamary stressed that the adopted technical and administrative reform plans has resulted in positive outcome reflected on the ministry’s work and its companies represented by cancelling (71) contract, upgrading files, re-announce the projects for investment or partnerships and forming following-up committees to review other contracts, and signed new contracts with the private sector companies resulted in new projects, which added new products to meet the needs of the local market.


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ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏‏7‏ أشخاص‏، و‏‏أشخاص يبتسمون‏، و‏‏أشخاص يقفون‏‏‏‏

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وزارة الصناعة والمعادن
 (للدخول لصفحة الكاتب إضغط هنا)

    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   إضافة تعليق   ||   التاريخ : 2017/11/27

  أحدث مشاركات الكاتب :

    • الشركـة العامـة لصناعـات النسيـج والجلـود تُجهـز الجامعـة الأمريكيـة بمُنتجاتهـا مـن السجـاد اليـدوي وتتفـق علـى تجهيـز المصـرف العقـاري بالعلـم العراقـي بقياسـات مُختلفـة  (نشاطات )

    • هيـأة المسـح الجيولوجـي العراقيـة تستقبـل وفـداً مـن أساتـذة وطلبـة الكُليـة التقنيـة الهندسيـة مـن الجامعـة التقنيـة الوسطـى  (نشاطات )

    • الشركـة العامـة لصناعـة السيـارات والمُعـدات تُباشـر بتجميـع وإنتـاج ساحبـات نيوهولانـد لدعـم القطـاع الزراعـي  (نشاطات )

    • المُديريـة العامـة للتنميـة الصناعيـة تُتابـع سيـر العمـل والإنتـاج فـي شركـة الهـلال لصناعـة الإسفنـج والمفروشـات   (نشاطات )

    • شركـة أدويـة سامـراء تُحقـق تقدُمـاً فـي تنفيـذ مشاريعهـا الجديـدة لإنشـاء بنايـة الكريمـات والمراهـم وبنايـة البنسلينـات وتأهيـل وتشغيـل خـط الفيـالات  (نشاطات )

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