Announcement Regarding The New Crescent for Muharram 1433 AH
مجلس علماء الشيعة في امريكيا

In The Name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful


Announcement Regarding
The New Crescent for Muharram 1433 AH


Dear Believers in North America,
Asalamu Alaykum,

The Crescent Moon Committee of the Council of Shi'a Muslim Scholars in North America announces that the new crescent sighting reports, with the naked eye, on the sunset of Saturday, November 26, 2011, were verified in many different cities in US and Canada. 

Therefore Sunday, November 27, 2011 is the first of Muharram 1433 A.H. Thus, the 10th, the day of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, is Tuesday, December 6, 2011. 


We ask the Almighty Allah to make us successful in establishing the rituals to remember Imam Hussain peace be upon him, through better understanding the purpose of his movement., and to hasten the appearance of the Imam on our time (atf). 

The Crescent Committee:

    * Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Toronto, Canada.
    * Sheikh Fadhil al-Sahlani, Jamaica, NY.
    * Sheikh Abed al-Muneim Shararah, Windsor, Canada.
    * Sayyid Mahboob Mahdi Abedi al-Najafi, Chicago, IL.
    * Sheikh Mohammad al-Ali al-Halabi, Miami, FL.
    * Sheikh Ahmad al-Mo'ayad, Los Angeles, CA.
    * Sheikh Murtaza Bachoo, Vancouver, Canada.

The "Crescent Moon Committee" was established at the 11th Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America in Detroit, September 2011. 


Important Events

    * 1st: The day God answered the prayers of Zakaria and gave him Yahia.
    * 2nd: Imam Hussain and his caravan arrived to the land of Karbala.
    * 7th: Water supplies were not allowed to reach Imam Hussain's camp.
    * 10th: The martyrdom of Imam Hussain and seventy plus of his companions in the land of Karbala.
    * 13th: The burial of the body of Imam Hussain and his companions
    * 25th: The departure of Imam al-Sajad

 Click here to view: Our Principles of Crescent Moon Sighting 





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مجلس علماء الشيعة في امريكيا

    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   إضافة تعليق   ||   التاريخ : 2011/11/27

كتابة تعليق لموضوع : Announcement Regarding The New Crescent for Muharram 1433 AH
الإسم * :
بريدك الالكتروني :
نص التعليق * :

أحدث التعليقات إضافة (عدد : 6)

• (1) - كتب : khakkrefrr ، في 2012/09/25 .


• (2) - كتب : gymvzsingn ، في 2012/09/23 .


• (3) - كتب : okiwqdcqey ، في 2012/09/21 .


• (4) - كتب : xmkzdtimsy ، في 2012/09/20 .


• (5) - كتب : ************ ، في 2012/09/19 .


• (6) - كتب : ****************** ، في 2012/09/18 .


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