• الموقع : كتابات في الميزان .
        • القسم الرئيسي : المقالات .
              • القسم الفرعي : المقالات .
                    • الموضوع : Najaf Arab Islamic identity Independent .
                          • الكاتب : علياء موسى البغدادي .

Najaf Arab Islamic identity Independent

Civilization is the effort that offers the service for people in all aspects of his life, or is progress in civil and culture together, culture is the progress in the theoretical ideas such as law, politics, sociology, ethics, etc., and thus Human can think of thinking properly, but civil is progress and progress in the science behind on experience and observation, such as medicine, engineering, agriculture, etc. .. Has been designated civil Ba; to be associated with the city, and check the stability of the people by owning the means of this stability, the civil rights intended to control the universe around him, and the placement of environmental conditions for humans. It must be a person of culture and civil rights together; to correct thinking individuals and their behavior, and improve their lives, so the State is interested in material progress at the expense of progress in the field of values and ethics, civil state, not civilized; Hence the progress of Western nations in the modern era is a civil, not civilization ; because the West is interested in material progress at the expense of the values, principles and Ethics
As for Islam, honored the people and respect their rights, it was the civilization of Semitic, contribute to the facilitation of human life in terms of the progress of civil and scientific excellence the cultural and religious moral reformer of all mankind. ((Values and principles, and rules of flying would, and enable progress in the material and facilitate life)) Civilization Islamic itself and the essence of a pure Islamic, which is different from other civilizations greatly, it is civilization itself, because it is emitted from the Islamic faith, and aimed at achieving the goal of Islamic, namely the reconstruction of the universe God's law to obtain consent, not merely the achievement of material progress, even if at the expense of rights and religion, as is the case in other civilizations, with emphasis on material progress; for the interest of the individuals and the entire humanitarian community.
The most important types of Islamic civilization is the civilization of countries and cities. A civilization made by the state of Islamic countries to raise the rights and service, and when you talk about civilization States should be talking about the history of the State which made this civilization, and on the fields of culture, such as: agriculture, industry, education, and the relationship of the Islamic state to other states, etc. submitted by the achievements in this field. Has played an Arab Islamic cities prominent role in the prosperity and expansion, and moving to other countries and the Islamic identity of the Arab and export of knowledge and science and human civilization Islamic. Because it is characterized by originality and genius of the Islamic nation. Including the holy city of Najaf Has a history and a great civilization and deep and has a great sanctity in the hearts of all Muslims . And Shiites in particular  Of the disappeared and of which is still conspicuous. and this cemetery great called the Valley of Peace, and supervised from the west on the Sea of Najaf, dry, and watched the next from a distance the shrine of the faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, which is located in the center of the city reflected on it dome like a piece of gold affects the the sun is brighter. The area of the city about 1338 km 2. . Straight streets, spacious and beautiful building is high and broad markets, particularly the great market starts from the eastern city wall and ends at the courtyard of Imam Ali. And after the change that has occurred in Iraq and the fall of Saddam's oppressive and sunrise of freedom, justice and democracy started in Najaf, and.  projects started   urban and large urban life developed and projects of scientific progress and education and public service projects that opened the doors of the largest to stand the city of Najaf in the ranks of the Arab cities and countries .
Choose Najaf, the capital of Islamic culture means the beginning of true and real dialogue between sects and religions, because it the land of peace. And the selection of Najaf, the cultural capital of the Islamic world the place a big reception by scholars and intellectuals in the culture in our Islamic  world . Has gained its position as the ancient in -deep  human history, with its cultural value that combines the holy worship and the dignity of science. A legacy on the Great (the Islamic civilization, humanitarian and cultural) model of a successful as the capital of Islamic culture and a center for Islamic unity, dialogue and rapprochement between the religions .
((Yes to the door of the city of knowledge.  Yes to  Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Afghan, Indian, Chinese, African and Russian and all those working for science and culture. Yes to  Jeweler the greatest Arab poet. Yes to  Islamic unity. Yes to Najaf national unity. Yes to Najaf  humanity Najaf . Yes to Najaf peace ))

  • المصدر : http://www.kitabat.info/subject.php?id=7134
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2011 / 06 / 26
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 03 / 13