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                    • الموضوع : Why women's oppression??! The first episode .
                          • الكاتب : سيد صباح بهباني .

Why women's oppression??! The first episode

In the name of God the Merciful
 (O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single person, created, including her husband and transmit them many men and women) of women / 1.
(Tedlohn not go to some of what Ateetmohn, unless they commit are shown and the interpretation of the meaning) / 19.
(If you want to replace the man place a man and you have one of them pound you should not take something from him Otokdhunh of slander and manifest sin) women / 20.
 (Good work from a male or female is a true believer a good life and recompense them pay what they do best) bees / 97.
(We have honored the sons of Adam and carried them on land and sea and provided them with good things and preferred them above many of those who created favorable) Al / 70.
(And fell prostrate and said: O my father, this interpretation of my vision by the Lord has made me really) Joseph / 100.
(May the Lord to Me from the king and taught me the interpretation of conversations) Joseph / 101.
(O people, I have created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes so) rooms / 13.
(And pay the women Sedkathn BEE) women / 4.
(If one female under the human face is Msauda Kzim) bees / 58.
 (Hide from the people of the poor as preached by the Hon Oimskh Idesh in the dirt or not evil is what they judge the meaning) / 59.
 (If the buried female infant is asked) Pelleting / 8
 (For what sin she was killed) Pelleting / 9.
(Allah does not forgive that involves tags) Women / 116.
Take talk about Ali peace be upon him said: "I accept the sentences to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family (* modern and is contained in the Bahrain Mall .. Gran camel's back: The liberated from the altar to Mnhrh." Bahrain Mall 6: 225 ") go back to talk to: * Striking Bjeranh land, tracheae, and wept Kalsagd groveller, a student wishing to liquid, said folk: Sujud you this camel, we are more deserving of prostration, he said to Allah bless him and his family to them: but prostrate to Allah Almighty, that this camel complains Orbabh, even if ordered something prostrate to something commanded women prostrate to her husband. Here, we must focus on the meaning (even).Narrated in the beginning and the end 6:149 for signs of prophecy for Ghneim ibn Aws. And transhumance: Request hay Bahrain Mall Naga 4: 394. "For the modern sequel if you want to be complemented see the sources. And Abu Buraydah his father said Bedouin came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and him said: O Messenger of God and draw me Vlosadjad you said If I were a commander of one prostrate have ordered a woman to her husband. Ibn Abi Shaybah Jaber said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him should not be something to bow down to something even if it's for the women worship their husbands * Here is a note of the word (though it was) then may not be bowing and prostrating to other than Allah, and bow to one another The associate says: (Allah does not forgive that involves tags) Women / 116.
 Roy and partner for Abu Khalaf al-Harith bin Amira he heard Amaama Yemen say I heard the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family and him say if ordered anyone to prostrate to a commanded women to prostrate to her husband. Abu Ahmed, said the ruling. That the Messenger of God gives the husband the status of the door of appreciation and respect just because it is only to prostrate to God. Because God is where to prostrate to Adam was not ordered to prostrate to his image, which is other, it is not you that Tqaysoa that is it. Means section 27 of the doors of the modern worship 4567, said Imam Sadeq peace be upon him in irrigated protest also sending in a long conversation: "The heretic said it: Ofaisalh prostrating to other than Allah? Said:" No, he said: How can God command the angels to prostrate to Adam? Said : It is worshiped by order of God was worshiped God, was prostrating to God if all is God "and the compound statement in the verse: (and fell prostrate and said: O my father, this interpretation of my vision by the Lord has made me really) of Joseph. It was this prostration was God Thanks to him, as does the righteous when a new blessing. Personally, I worship God always grateful after work or at the end of the week when we meet the family of grace and renewal of the health and safety for all. It was subject matter on the Imam Abu Hassan II, peace be upon him .. was them that said to him: Tell me about Jacob and his son prostrate to Joseph, they are prophets: He replied Abu Hassan Radwan Allaah be upon him and the safety of the prostration of Jacob and his son, not Joseph, but was obedience to God and a tribute to Joseph, and theof the angels prostrate to Adam, was obedience to God and a tribute to Adam, and his son Jacob Vsjod Thank God for the meeting included, do not you think he says in thanking the time (to Me Lord, may the king and taught me the interpretation of conversations) Joseph. In means section 27 of the Doors, prostrate modern 4567 interpretation of the military fathers blessings of Allaah be upon him and his family said: "It was not prostration means the angels to Adam, but Adam was kiss them worship like God Almighty, and was so venerated venerated, and should not be to prostrate to one other than Allah, he is subject Kkhaddoah God, venerate prostrate to him as venerating God. and I see such stories are not guaranteed because the propagation degrades faults and yes, what was said: propagation degrades faults ... landed wind paper trees. In any case, Sir, by personally I saw that your article is beautiful and like a rose fundamentally thistle, and learned that the status of women that God has placed women and many hadiths also many in the status of women, Mr. author Attic simple example that the basis of marriage should always be, should the couple since the contract that Iotna themselves to be to each other constantly and not be notified in Mekhelthma separation. So marriage is temporary not fit to be acceptable, which is not consistent with the status of women, as a sort of rental rights of man which violates the human dignity of women, which puts itself at the disposal of a man in exchange for money Tqdina it. and I must say that the womb of God, and God save the rest. We must not forget that women's status in Islam, the thought of scholars and that women occupied a prominent place in Islam and accounted for with particular interest in the Holy Quran. show you several points including:
1: to look at nature and composition and her psychologically.
 2: to look at their rights.
 3: The duties placed on them.
 All of this in the light of the Holy Quran. The points 1: to look at ..... Dawned the light of Islam in the era of no-sex female humiliation any little value in the Arabian Peninsula or in the other civilizations of the time, and the research was philosophical when the Persians and the Romans and the Greek place on the female sex of the animal or of the genus Brzachi mediating between animals and humans, and the man was pessimistic If his wife gave birth to a female, and still face Msauda was Ituarea from the eyes of his people and as a stain on his forehead to the verse: (and if one female under the human face is Msauda Kzim) bees / 58.
And also saying the Almighty said: (hide from the people of poor people by what the Hun Oimskh Idesh in the dirt or not evil is what they judge the meaning) / 59.
 It was not the only man to be infanticide and murder of his daughters following the ignorance of women's dignity and virtue which he thinks is doing the right thing, and this is the Quran condemns this brutal act and condemned by the verse: (and if the buried female infant is asked) Pelleting / 8.And he also (in any sin she was slain) Pelleting / 9. In the deduction of these ideas, we find outrageous unjust Quran describes the woman as one of the two parts of the structure of human meaning: (O mankind, We created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes so) rooms / 13. Here, assures us that the female such as the male form the basis of society without difference between them. On the other hand the view of female created independent similar to created without a male derived female than the male, on the contrary to what the Book of Genesis in the Bible that female created from the rib of the ribs of Adam, He says cutting off on the idea that leaked to the book of God (the Torah) for saying says: (O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single person, created, including her husband and transmit them many men and women) of women / 1. Soul is one, is her husband Adam and Eve and ends with them descendants of the humanitarian community, and the meaning of the words: (and creating them) women / 1. Any means the creation of gender identical (though not to the orthodoxy of symmetry of human life). We conclude from these verses that the male and female human being full and there is no shortage of human female and the light of that Valtvriv each of these terms do not Eptni on the basis of correctly. Here are included the divine rights to make it better creatures, and scoffed at him the sun and the moon, nor shall this dignity is noteworthy O Dear reader, but covered the entire total of the verse: (and I have honored the sons of Adam and carried them on land and sea and provided them with good things and preferred them above many of those who created favorable) Al / 70.
 This dignity public to make it to the male and female in one hand, the one who believes them and the work of a good understanding of all the same before God, the Almighty Idzehma both on him: (good work from a male or female is a true believer a good life and recompense them pay what they do best) bees / 97 .
 And that shows us the position of the Holy Quran created in women: is it made the inviolability of the same female as sacred as the same-mentioned The killing of one of them is equivalent to killing all people says: (whoever kills the same or corruption in the earth as if he killed all mankind, and saves if he has saved people all) round / 32.
Such as the killing of women, killing the man of God, whether it is when you kill one of them as if he killed all mankind, on top of that honored Ovisour So how do prostrate to her husband? And that women and men share the necessity for respect for rent each one. And here to show the reality created in both men and women and that they are the same does not stand each other in the areas of equal but that is attributed to things mental, spiritual, when women and men where the difference is no doubt there are differences, including that women are emotion emotion filled with tenderness and compassion and kindness and her spirit of the cute sensitive one. This says the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him ((complete believers in faith is a modern interpretation and Alotfhm his family)) and "The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family peace and warned the aggression against women: ((not that Allah and His Messenger are innocent, who hurt a woman even sisters to)) and Imam Ali peace be upon him: ((the women's Rihanna and not Bakhermanp, Fdarha After all, the best for her companionship Icefo Aick)) and the Imam said in this regard and what he said yes in the use of reason and act with common sense and compassion:
The ethics Makarem disinfectant * Religion is the first and the second reason
Third, science and dream * Fourth, Fifth, and generosity, thanks Sadea
And righteousness and patience Seventh * Eighth and Ninth Thanksgiving and soft Baekayaa
And self-learning that I do not Osadgaha * and I'm not rational only when Oaseha.
Deposited by the appearance that to be consistent with its responsibility, the education of children accompanied by hardships and great difficulties are not borne by men usually while men lose those emotions, because the creation of the other functions require the same cruelty and harshness to fit with the responsibilities it has assumed. Valawatef emotion of If Tqarndt side with heavy-handed and harshness of life then becomes a balanced tone Vtkon soft and smiling. We come to point 2: Dear, women in Islam, the rights and wide, you may search for scholars in their books reviewed in the chapters on particular laws of the Islamic scholars who wrote all of the five schools of thought and of course the Koran in front and Nisa is the legacy of women from the Koran. . Where he announced the independence of both men and women in their rights and their money and enjoy them. Dowry, a gift from husband to wife has an impact in the revival of a woman and the survival of a relationship of marriage, must be the husband to give the bees on him: (and pay the women Sedkathn BEE) women / 4. Yes, if you would gladly devote themselves to the man may take it like every gift was to the satisfaction of the giver of meaning: (the Tabn your breath for any of it Vkloh Congratulations appetit) women / 4. The Koran condemns pair narrowed down to harm his wife and treated to give it for her dowry to him: (Tedlohn not go to some of what Ateetmohn, unless they commit are shown and the interpretation of the meaning) / 19.
 Then once again confirms that if the husband gives her a lot of money, does not have taken them to the verse: (The place you want to replace the pair husband and you have one of them pound you should not take something from him Otokdhunh of slander and manifest sin) women / 20.
The last point is the duties that fall upon themselves to cooperate among members of the humanitarian community condition survival, if we deleted the cooperation of the Dictionary Society of rivers such as the cooperation of citizens to build their country and save their unity, as well as the family a small community and a building block first community great is not the family life only through cooperation, and the fact that cooperation is a that each one has a right and it is right and this is what is a conduit for the Holy Quran the word eloquent University can not Ipoar where one says: (and they like to what is reasonable) Cow / 228. Shows the meaning of the verse by looking at the Islamic family, responsibility of women to custody and child-rearing and this is not easy, but does not the mother who beats her heart, compassion and tenderness.
We must not forget our responsibilities all women; (the Prophet may Allah bless him and his family and him said: (you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock, Prince shepherd, and man is the shepherd of his family, the woman is the shepherd of her husband's house and his son, you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock) 853 ) and once this situation in my home and my wife got sick and after birth b (6) days and I received this care with a small two daughters, and left my wife to the hospital for a period of years and months and then deepened in the divine gift that grants our Lord by women. It is alleged that the nursery to replace the mother in carrying out that function the errors did not stop the negative repercussions that leave that role to cases of children's psychological.
On the freedom of cultural, social and political raised in the era of 1908 and the position of the Quran wants justice and equality in the political right and freedom of irrigation, but the West adopts a position of equality between men and women, and wants them to ejaculation to the realm of life, without exception, in order to Icoma general functions together, whether in harmony with the nature of each of them or not.And yes what Imam Hussein peace be upon him in this regard:
If the human self Khan * What is hoped for him to keep Raj
The devout do not have to meet and listen * to learn a lesson
And the reluctance of the boy shaved head and dressed in robes * ruthless
But with guidance in word and deed * and addiction in Altjca canth
And the realization of which will deliver and develop * and can escape from Ahawaz.
This is embraced by the West, women must be involved men in the fields of war and fighting and politics, leadership, and the fields of employment and investment, leaving a field special attention to women or men only Isogahma the grounds of equality. But the Qur'an adopts justice between men and women, and breaches of equality, as might be equality against justice, and may not fit with nature, and claims to equality, as if he denies the differences in Nvsihma and Graizhma, and deal with them, treatment of human Astlapt his instincts innate leaving the breath only to do the work authorized him. The equality of human beings does not mean equality in all directions, and in the capacities and instincts and psychologists, even reflected Gender, race and no one differ only formally, and say so, He says in his tongue and denies it in his mind and its core and yes the Imam al-Shafi'i in this regard:
Scourge of ourselves
Croaking of our time and fault us for our time * and a defect other than us
And Nhjawa a time without guilt * even pronounce our time Ahjana
And not the wolf eat the flesh of a wolf and eats * visual contact with each other.
And hand in hand for cooperation and fraternity to build a better future for the University. And Allah Hafiz is the Most Merciful.
Loving breeder
Mr. BehbehaniSeyed Sabah behbahani@t-online.de

كافة التعليقات (عدد : 1)

• (1) - كتب : ************* ، في 2012/07/24 .


  • المصدر : http://www.kitabat.info/subject.php?id=4970
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2011 / 04 / 15
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 03 / 14