ادناه نص الرسالتين اللتين سلمهما احد الاخوة من الاتحاد الديمقراطي الكوردي الفيلي للرئيس الامريكي باراك اوباما ولوزيرة الخارجية الامريكية السيدة هيلاري كلنتون
رابط على اليوتيوب حول الجزء الاول من حفل يوم الشهيد الفيلي الذي احيته لجنة التنسيق الكردي الفيلي من الساعة 14:30 حتى الساعة 18:00 من يوم الاحد المصادف 3/4/2011
الجزء الاول من فلم يوم الشهيد الفيلي في ستوكهولم
طيا بعض الصور من الحفل. والصورة تقول الف كلمة، كما يقول المثل.
مع اطيب التمنيات
الاتحاد الديمقراطي الكوردي الفيلي
Info@faylee.org August 11, 2010
Mr. Barak Obama
The President of the United States of America
Dear Mr. President,
We Faylee Kurds are an ancient section of Iraqi society, especially in Baghdad. Beginning 1980, the former Regime of Iraq began a mass forcible deportation of Faylee Kurds from the country in violation of Iraqi and international laws and covenants. About 600.000 Faylee Kurds were deported to Iran and more than 20.000 youth and young men were interned. These internees have since then disappeared without a trace.
Faylee Kurds are a minority group in Iraq living outside the authority of the Kurdistan Region. Before the mass deportation, Faylee Kurds were very prominent merchants and businessmen in Baghdad. Many Faylee Kurds reached high positions within the opposition political parties and organizations. Many Faylee Kurds are well-educated and have become prominent within the Iraqi culture, music and sports.
Our Iraqi citizenship was annulled by Decision No. 666 issued on May 7, 1980 by the former “Revolution Command Council” and signed by the former dictator himself. All our movable and immovable property was confiscated. All our citizenship certificates and other documents were taken from us. We were simply uprooted from our homeland and thrown out into the unknown at the border areas.
Unfortunately, our basic rights have not been restored since 2003. Our citizenship, property and documents have not been given back to us. We still know nothing about the fate of our disappeared dear and loved ones and the whereabouts of their remains.
We have very welcomed and still hail the liberation of Iraq from dictatorship by the American Forces. We highly appreciate American sacrifices and are saddened by any loss of life.
We appeal to You, Mr. President, and beg You to please use your good offices with the Iraqi authorities to encourage them, through proper channels, to restore our rights (citizenship, property, documents and information about the disappeared).
We know, Mr. President, that You and the United States of America have high standards of justice and strong feelings for equal rights and opportunities to all people. We know also that You do oppose injustice and discrimination. We Faylee Kurds have been unjustly treated and discriminated against. Therefore, we really need You and your support, Mr. President, to intercede on our behalf since we have no viable means at the present to get back our rights in Iraq.
Respectfully Yours,
The Faylee Kurds Democratic Union
Info@faylee.org August 11, 2010
Mrs. Hillary Clinton
The State Department
Dear Mrs. Secretary of State,
We Faylee Kurds are an ancient section of Iraqi society, especially in Baghdad. Beginning 1980, the former Regime of Iraq began a mass forcible deportation of Faylee Kurds from the country in violation of Iraqi and international laws and covenants. About 600.000 Faylee Kurds were deported to Iran and more than 20.000 youth and young men were interned. These internees have since then disappeared without a trace.
Faylee Kurds are a minority group in Iraq living outside the authority of the Kurdistan Region. Before the mass deportation, Faylee Kurds were very prominent merchants and businessmen in Baghdad. Many Faylee Kurds reached high positions within the opposition political parties and organizations. Many Faylee Kurds are well-educated and have become prominent within the Iraqi culture, music and sports.
Our Iraqi citizenship was annulled by Decision No. 666 issued on May 7, 1980 by the former “Revolution Command Council” and signed by the former dictator himself. All our movable and immovable property was confiscated. All our citizenship certificates and other documents were taken from us. We were simply uprooted from our homeland and thrown out into the unknown at the border areas.
Unfortunately, our basic rights have not been restored since 2003. Our citizenship, property and documents have not been given back to us. We still know nothing about the fate of our disappeared dear and loved ones and the whereabouts of their remains.
We have very welcomed and still hail the liberation of Iraq from dictatorship by the American Forces. We highly appreciate American sacrifices and are saddened by any loss of life.
We appeal to You, Mrs. Secretary of State, and beg You to please use your good offices with the Iraqi authorities to encourage them, through proper channels, to restore our rights (citizenship, property, documents and information about the disappeared).
We know, Mrs. Secretary of State, that You and the United States of America have high standards of justice and strong feelings for equal rights and opportunities to all people. We know also that You do oppose injustice and discrimination. We Faylee Kurds have been unjustly treated and discriminated against. Therefore, we really need You and your support, Mrs. Secretary of State, to intercede on our behalf since we have no viable means at the present to get back our rights in Iraq.
Respectfully Yours,
The Faylee Kurds Democratic Union |