Lebanese Druze representative: " the festival is the first of its kind in the history, it is great bifurcation and great turning point in Islam and life of Muslims."
Translated by Nabeel Hameed Taha
On Monday evening 5th of November 2012, The activities of First International Al-Ghadeer Festival hold by Alawyah holy threshold was launched with a large official and mass presence represented by Islamic and Christian figures from 34 country and 4 continents ( Asia , Africa, Europe and Americas ). Welcome addresses were delivered by the holy threshold and participating delegates.
Dr. Ali Khudhair Al hajee , head of preparatory committee of the festival said in a statement to Najaf News Agency that " Alalwayah holy threshold hosted delegates Which came from more than 34 country to participate in commemorating this immortal day (Eid Al –Ghadeer) in the history of whole mankind."
Dr.Al hajee cleared that" the hosting for these activities comes from a long range strategy drawn by the new secretariat of the holy threshold to rise the cultural and intellectual level and to serve the Shi'ism and the human thought in general."
About the activities of festival " the festival due to be contained many activities :morning and evening research sessions which will be held at Imam guesthouse and Algharwyah school where more than 150 researchers are going to give their researches about Imam Ali (A.S) they are varied in the all axis of Hadithu (saying) of Al-Ghadeer, also the researches are contained the researches of philosophy , intellectual values , interpretation of holy Quran , economy , literature , cultural and humanity in the life of Imam Ali (A.S)." Dr.Alhajee pointed out.
" at the second day ,the festival will witness the opening of the fair of rare manuscripts and copies of holy Qra'an and the fair of Arabic Calligraphy and Islamic arabesque which they are going to hold inside Omran Bin Shaheen mosque at the hoy courtyard of Imam Ali by coordinating with Iraqi Calligraphers Association (Annajaf office) and with participating of 29 calligrapher." Dr. Alhajee added.
Dr. Al Hajee explained that " the holy threshold issued books related to the festival and from these books : Ali is Imam of Nations , three volume , by Muhammad Sa'eed Aturaihee , Imam Ali and Human Rights , English version , also the first model of photograph images were issued which due to be presented as souvenirs to the participators in the occasion of the First International Festival of Al- Ghadeer and according to the plan adopted by the preparatory committee that more than 50 model contained images , paintings, rare manuscripts and antiques which are represented the history of Alwayah threshold across different centuries will issue later."
Lebanese priest , the father Alias Sleeba said in a statement to Annajaf News Agency that "today , I can see a painting and we can call it an icon of different and harmonized colors represented the all branches of Sunni, IslamShi'a , Durzi , Christian and all of them are gathered at the holy shrine of great man who honored by the UN , honored by today of Al Ghadeer and he will be honored being he is a man of humanity , man of spirituality , ethics and principles. Imam Ali (A.S) is bigger than to be guardianed because he is a guardian in himself."
Sayid .Salih Alhaidary , head of Shi'a endowment, gave a statement to Annajaf News Agency " this festival is a remembering for the events related to Imam Ali (A.S) and it is an important work that all of us are proud of it being Imam Ali (A.S) is acted as symbol not just for Muslims only but he is a Global symbol with his different thoughts."
Mr. Harry Molonar ,Dutch ambassador to Iraq , expressed of his pleasure in participating in the festival , declaring that" there is a good relation with Annajaf province being it is an interesting economic and religious center."
"the festival is a an opportunity to unify the row , to reunion, renew the brotherhood and love . it is a chance to revive the manner of Imam Ali (A.S) in the hearts for it is the beneficial remedy to our nowadays troubles and these festivals are necessary and useful to reform our Islamic reality also they are an opportunity to mix the thoughts and to understand this great personality that it is impossible to surround it" Sheikh Ali Alkhafajee , secretary –general of Islamic Reform Assembly, said.
Murasy Anaser , the former head of Durzi judiciary in Lebanon, made a statement to Anajaf News Agency " this festival is the first one of its in history where it was a great crossroad and turning point to Muslims and Islamic world , it is an element for unifying Muslims from different doctrines beside it is an element for co-existing between Muslims and Christians too. It is a blessed festival and we hope to be repeated because it is a tittle for the unity, justice and good behave to the ruler and to those whom to be ruled. It is hold at the courtyard of Imam Ali (A.S) ,Imam Ali the eloquent and the philanthropist who is the words are little to describe him being he is needed a big volumes to do so, and for the speech of Imam Ali is less than the speech of creator and it is bigger than the speech of creature "
" we are very pleasant to enter Annajaf and we knew that this city was marginalized by the past eras and now the development is begun to take its way in Annajaf and that please our hearts because of the city is deserved the whole respect and evaluation thus the Iraqi officials must not go on concealing but they must concentrate on developing the area for it is a respected and important cultural centre." Sheikh Anasser added .
The festival will continoue for 4 day 5th -9th of November 2012 and it is worthy to mention that the festival witness the participation of multi Islamic figures specialized in Islamic and human thought.
The distinguished figures attended the festival : Alalama Dr. Muhammod Al Mudhafer , Alalama Sayid Ahmid Al Askquri , the Tunisian thinker Sheikh Atejani , from Algeria the thinker Abdul Lawee , from Jordan Sheikh Dr. Abdul Lateef Alhmaim and beside the presence of Khlaeel Isma'eel ,the father and the second man in Vatican also presence of the head of Aladarsah Forum in Morocco. The festival was attended by prominent figures from France , Russia, Spain, Iran , Lebanon, India , Pakistan , Egypt , Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain , Saudi Arabia, the delegate of Albuhra sect represented by Sultan Alqai'ed Juher and scholars from Senegal , Nigeria , Mali, Somalia and Mauritania.
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